Purpose and Application Best for High molecular weight proteins separation Separation and detection of proteins up to 1,500 kDa (UH-T/R310) SDS-PAGE Native-PAGE Screening Electrophoresis for Western blotting (WB) DNA (e.g. PCR products) electrophoresis Features...
Purpose and Application Separation and detection of proteins SDS-PAGE, Native-PAGE Detection of PCR products, separation of DNA Screening Experimental training for students or researchers Features High performance wide gel 30 wells/gel available Fast migration:...
Purpose and Application Best for Low molecular weight proteins and polypeptides separation Separation and detection of proteins and polypeptides SDS-PAGE Screening Experimental training for students or researchers Features Wide Separation Range of 1,000-75,000Da...
Purpose and Application Separation and detection of proteins SDS-PAGE, Native-PAGE Detection of PCR products, separation of DNA Screening Experimental training for students or researchers Features e-PAGEL HR is high grade product of e-PAGEL. High-speed migration is...
Purpose and Application Separation and detection of proteins (E-*** type) Second step of 2D electrophoresis (E-D** type) SDS-PAGE, Native-PAGE Detection of PCR products, separation of DNA Screening Experimental training for students or researchers Features Mini size...